Bootstrap vs Bulma
As many of you have already noticed, we have launched a new theme builder dedicated to Bulma CSS framework ( ). Bulma is based on flexbox and used by more than 150,000 developers. All Bootstrap Shuffle users automatically get access to Bulma Builder for FREE (and vice versa). By creating an account in one […]

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Material Design is coming to our Bootstrap builder!
We’ve just published the largest Bootstrap Shuffle update! From now on, we support Material Design for Bootstrap. It is based on the most popular Bootstrap Material implementation, designed and built by FezVrasta. Thanks to this update our builder is no longer dependent on library’s version, and the available settings are generated based on SCSS files […]

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer have put us in their compilation of the best Bootstrap Builders! is a very respected source of knowledge for web developers. That’s why we were so glad to note that we’ve been put in their compilation of the best Bootstrap Builders – and in the first place at that! (7 March 2019) If you’re interested, go to the “CSSAuthor: Best Bootstrap Editors & Builders” article […]

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Which Bootstrap builder is the best?
This is a question asked by one of our users on our chat. He said: “I use … to create HTML templates. What is the difference between that one and Bootstrap Shuffle and which Bootstrap builder is the best?” Facts: The best Bootstrap builder is the one that best suits your present way of working. […]

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Learn Bootstrap 4 by using a Bootstrap builder
In this article, I will describe how beginners can acquire a higher level of knowledge of Bootstrap 4 by using our builder. 1. Get to know all of Bootstrap’s classes. Do you sometimes have to check on the Internet what the correct structure of, for example, Bootstrap’s navigation looks like? If so, use our page […]

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
How to create a modern Bootstrap template in 10 minutes (Using Bootstrap Builder)
In this tutorial, we will create a website of a fictional Bold Internet company using the Bootstrap Shuffle tool. What you will need: An account in Bootstrap Shuffle (all steps given here can also be recreated in programs such as Visual Studio, using the Sass Bootstrap variables). A pack of free illustrations from Icons8 Logo […]

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer