All editors updated to the most current CSS framework’s version!
Updated: May 28, 2020. I am in a hurry to inform you that we have updated all three editors to the latest version of the CSS framework! Bootstrap Shuffle – works with Bootstrap ^4.5.0 Tailwind Builder – works with Tailwind ^1.4.0 Bulma Builder – works with Bulma ^0.8.2 Because there are no breaking changes, […]
Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Three ways to change CSS styles.
In this mini-tutorial, I’ll show you how to use three functions to change background color in your project. The background color is just an example, and you can change other properties in the same way. This description applies to three editors, Bootstrap Shuffle, Bulma Builder, and Tailwind Builder. The screens come from Bootstrap Shuffle but […]
Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Using advanced editor functions to modify CSS classes.
We are very proud that you can very quickly create the first version of the layout using only the drag & drop function in our editor. However, this is not always enough. That’s why in this post, I will describe the advanced feature of HTML Structure, which is available after clicking “Content” on each component […]
Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Bootstrap vs Bulma
As many of you have already noticed, we have launched a new theme builder dedicated to Bulma CSS framework ( ). Bulma is based on flexbox and used by more than 150,000 developers. All Bootstrap Shuffle users automatically get access to Bulma Builder for FREE (and vice versa). By creating an account in one […]
Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
Material Design is coming to our Bootstrap builder!
We’ve just published the largest Bootstrap Shuffle update! From now on, we support Material Design for Bootstrap. It is based on the most popular Bootstrap Material implementation, designed and built by FezVrasta. Thanks to this update our builder is no longer dependent on library’s version, and the available settings are generated based on SCSS files […]
Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer have put us in their compilation of the best Bootstrap Builders! is a very respected source of knowledge for web developers. That’s why we were so glad to note that we’ve been put in their compilation of the best Bootstrap Builders – and in the first place at that! (7 March 2019) If you’re interested, go to the “CSSAuthor: Best Bootstrap Editors & Builders” article […]
Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer