This page contains important information about preparing and uploading a user's library. Please read the documentation carefully or use the left menu to navigate to the desired section.
Jump to Tailwind UI
or Flowbite uploading info.
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UI library upload consists of just a few steps:
Tailwind config - Tailwind configuration file should be provided as a link to the JSON file present in the library package (tailwindConfigFile field) or as a JSON object in the JSON configuration file (tailwindConfig field).
Variables SCSS - sass variables file should be provided as a link to SASS file present in the library package (sassVariablesFile field) or as a text field in the JSON configuration file (sassVariables field).
Variables SCSS - sass variables file should be provided as a link to the SASS file present in the library package (sassVariablesFile field) or as a text field in the JSON configuration file (sassVariables field).
Go to the detailed and technical schema description
- the library namedescription
- short descriptionframework
- one of 3 options available - `tailwind`
, `bulma`
- an array of objects with library
components formatted as defined in the
configuration schema.
/ tailwindConfigFile
- for Tailwind CSS framework.
/ sassVariablesFiles
- for Bootstrap or Bulma framework.
- icon file pathiconDarkMode
- icon file path for dark modeassetsConfiguration
- assets configuration object
The contents of component files (provided in the
configuration file or in the HTML component file) should contain only component
without HTML/head/body tags.
Every component should be wrapped into a single HTML tag like
<div><!-- Code --></div>
Define asset configuration in the main JSON configuration file. This will upload additional assets, like images used in components, with the library. Also provide paths to additional JS and CSS files that will be imported into the editor while using this custom library.
When uploading the library with assets configuration present in the configuration:
Provide library icons when creating the configuration.
Icons can be defined for light and dark mode separately in JSON configuration fields:
If defined, each field should contain a path to the existing file in the user library package. The file size limit is 200 KB per icon file. Allowed extensions are jpeg, png, gif, and svg.
The configuration file included in the package should be consistent with the defined JSON schema.
To ensure that the configuration file is correct, add the following line at the beginning of the JSON file:
"$schema": "",
This will allow you to validate the configuration file using the JSON schema validator built into your favorite code editor.
Go to the detailed and technical schema description.
Buckets are "droppable" spaces in components. Later, after library import into Shuffle, it will be possible to drop components into this element. Containers - HTML elements - should be marked with a custom dataset attribute - "data-bucket" with a numeric value starting from 1. Each "data-bucket" should have a unique value within the component.
Good examples are vertical navigation components in dashboard libraries in Shuffle. Buckets are often used there, allowing users to add other components on the right side of vertical navigation.
Example code:
<div class="mx-auto xl:ml-xss xl:pl-4" data-bucket="1"></div>
The ZIP file should contain:
You can automate uploading process with the Shuffle Package Maker.
Feedback is important to us and helps us improve this tool. Please take a moment to share your experience and suggestions with our Support Team.
User Library Uploader is free of charge during beta tests. After that time, it will be possible to revise the subscription to continue use (access to uploader and projects based on uploaded libraries).
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