Shuffle in 2023: Export to GitHub, UI Library Creator, and more.

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
We had a busy year at Shuffle, and you’ll love this. There are just five working days till the end of this year, and we are preparing the final update for 2023. The team is crushing it!
If you haven’t checked Shuffle recently (, here are the most important updates to the editor made in 2023:
🚀 Export project to GitHub. Deploy anywhere.
This is the latest addition to Shuffle and is available now for users in the Beta Program (public release: 30th December 2023). Exporting project to GitHub allows you to configure auto-deployment with platforms like Vercel, Netlify, Firebase, and many more.
👋 Shuffle elements with more powerful drag&drop.
Build sections without restrictions. Move elements and add new ones. Everything you need to re-arrange the section is available in the new Drag Mode.
👩🏼🎨 Create new UI Libraries in no time.
The “Generative” trend is booming, and UI Library Creator is our original approach to it. You can combine elements and styles to create unique UI libraries that work seamlessly with the Shuffle Editor.
🤖 Talk to an AI Assistant to get recommendations.
Need style recommendation for your next project? AI Assistant will help you choose the best UI Library and fill it with images and text content for your target audience. Talk to AI Assistant →
🎨 Use one of the new 15 beautiful UI libraries.
63 UI libraries are available for Shuffle users, and 15 we have added this year. We won’t stop there!
Browse our content in Editor, Alternatives, and Components.
❤️ Thank you for all your suggestions and kind words. We are gathering energy and will return with more updates at the beginning of the new year!
The Shuffle Team