As many of you have already noticed, we have launched a new theme builder dedicated to Bulma CSS framework ( ).
Bulma is based on flexbox and used by more than 150,000 developers.
All Bootstrap Shuffle users automatically get access to Bulma Builder for FREE (and vice versa). By creating an account in one of these applications, you gain access in both of them.
Some of you ask me how these frameworks are different and which is better.
There is no clear answer to this question. A good comparison is in Bulma’s documentation.
For beginners, the most crucial difference is that Bulma doesn’t provide any JavaScript and you have to write it yourself or use other ready-made solutions.
But I recommend to familiarize yourself with both Bootstrap Shuffle and Bulma Builder, add similar components, change styles, export the project and see which one suits you best!
TIP for beginners: When you start a new project based on Bootstrap or Bulma you can download a starting project in our demo (full pug / scss configuration and watch & build commands).
Try Bootstrap Shuffle demo here, and Bulma Builder demo here.