Two things to pay attention to when creating a Page Builder

Benedykt Michalski
Inspirational Writer
The authors of announced a few days ago that they are shutting down the project and the source code has been made available at GitHub.
- Bad news: We also work at the export to React
- Good news: At
GitHub you can see how others have done it
Looking from the outside, in there were at least two problems.
1. It is not known who their tool is for
Their last post at Medium starts with: „We often get the question of who the target audience of Pagedraw is: designers or developers.”.
In Bootstrap Shuffle I wanted that it was clear from the start. Therefore our slogan is „Bootstrap builder for busy DEVELOPERS”.
2. It is very difficult to do a universal, simple to use editor that will suit everyone.
Choosing one technology (in our case Bootstrap), it is much easier to build an editor the handling of which is simple. Basically, our styles editor is UI for Sass variables used in Bootstrap.

Anyway, I look forward to the promised post in which the authors will share their lessons learned on their tool.