Syarat dan Ketentuan Penggunaan
Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:
Selamat datang di platinum. Harap membaca dengan cermat Syarat dan Ketentuan Penggunaan ini sebelum menggunakan website kami. Dengan mengakses atau menggunakan website ini, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh syarat-syarat yang tercantum di bawah ini. Jika Anda tidak setuju dengan salah satu bagian dari Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, harap untuk tidak menggunakan website kami.
Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.
Penggunaan Konten
Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:
Semua konten yang ada di website ini, termasuk teks, gambar, video, audio, grafis, dan materi lainnya, dilindungi oleh hak cipta dan hak kekayaan intelektual lainnya yang dimiliki oleh kami atau pihak ketiga yang memberikan lisensi kepada kami. Anda diberi izin untuk mengakses dan menggunakan konten ini untuk tujuan pribadi dan non-komersial. Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk mereproduksi, mendistribusikan, atau menggunakan konten ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa izin tertulis dari kami.
Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.
Pendaftaran dan Keamanan
Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:
Dalam beberapa bagian dari website kami, Anda dapat diminta untuk mendaftar dan membuat akun pengguna. Anda bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga kerahasiaan informasi akun Anda dan segala aktivitas yang terjadi pada akun tersebut. Kami berhak untuk menangguhkan atau menghentikan akses akun Anda jika kami mencurigai adanya pelanggaran terhadap Syarat dan Ketentuan ini.
Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.
Komentar dan Kontribusi Pengguna
Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:
Jika Anda berkontribusi dengan komentar, ulasan, atau konten lainnya di website kami, Anda setuju bahwa Anda tidak akan mengirimkan materi yang melanggar hukum, menyinggung, mengandung konten berbahaya, atau melanggar hak kekayaan intelektual pihak ketiga. Kami berhak untuk menghapus atau mengedit kontribusi pengguna yang dianggap melanggar Syarat dan Ketentuan ini.
Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.
Penghapusan dan Perubahan
Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:
Kami berhak untuk mengubah, menghapus, atau membatasi akses ke website ini atau bagian-bagian dari website ini kapan saja tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan yang timbul akibat perubahan tersebut.
Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.
Batasan Tanggung Jawab
Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:
Website ini disediakan "apa adanya" dan "sesuai ketersediaan." Kami tidak memberikan jaminan apapun terkait dengan akurasi, keandalan, atau ketersediaan konten di website ini. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan yang timbul dari penggunaan website ini.
Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.
Hukum yang Berlaku
Syarat dan Ketentuan ini diatur oleh hukum [Negara Asal Anda]. Setiap perselisihan yang timbul terkait dengan penggunaan website ini akan diselesaikan di pengadilan yang berwenang di [Kota atau Wilayah Asal Anda].
Harap diperhatikan bahwa Syarat dan Ketentuan ini dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Anda disarankan untuk secara teratur mengunjungi halaman ini untuk memeriksa perubahan.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau komentar tentang Syarat dan Ketentuan Penggunaan ini, silakan hubungi kami melalui
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau komentar tentang Syarat dan Ketentuan Penggunaan ini, silakan hubungi kami melalui
Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda dan penggunaan website kami.
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