Kebijakan Privasi

Terima kasih telah mengunjungi Platinum. Kebijakan Privasi ini menjelaskan bagaimana kami mengumpulkan, menggunakan, dan melindungi informasi pribadi Anda. Dengan menggunakan website ini, Anda menyetujui praktik yang dijelaskan dalam kebijakan ini.

These types of questions led me to miss numerous deadlines, and I wasted time and energy in back-and-forth communication. Sadly, this situation could have been avoided if the wireframes had provided enough detail.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Informasi yang Kami Kumpulkan

Kami dapat mengumpulkan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat email, nomor telepon, dan informasi kontak lainnya saat Anda mendaftar, berlangganan newsletter, mengisi formulir, atau berinteraksi dengan fitur lainnya di website kami.

Kami juga dapat mengumpulkan informasi non-pribadi secara otomatis seperti alamat IP, jenis peramban yang Anda gunakan, halaman yang Anda kunjungi, dan data analitik lainnya yang membantu kami memahami bagaimana pengunjung menggunakan website kami.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Penggunaan Informasi

Informasi yang kami kumpulkan digunakan untuk:

Menyediakan layanan dan konten yang Anda minta. Mengirimkan pembaruan, informasi, atau tanggapan terkait permintaan Anda. Mengoptimalkan pengalaman pengguna di website kami. Melakukan analisis statistik untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kami.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Pengamanan Informasi

Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:

Kami berkomitmen untuk menjaga keamanan informasi Anda. Kami menggunakan langkah-langkah teknis dan administratif yang sesuai untuk melindungi informasi dari akses yang tidak sah, penggunaan, atau pengungkapan.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Pengungkapan kepada Pihak Ketiga

Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:

Kami tidak akan menjual, menyewakan, atau menukar informasi pribadi Anda kepada pihak ketiga tanpa izin Anda, kecuali jika diperlukan oleh hukum atau dalam situasi yang dijelaskan dalam Kebijakan Privasi ini.

Kami dapat berbagi informasi dengan pihak ketiga yang membantu kami menyediakan layanan, seperti penyedia hosting atau alat analitik. Namun, pihak ketiga tersebut wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi Anda.

Cookie dan Teknologi Serupa

Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:

Kami dapat menggunakan cookie dan teknologi serupa untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang penggunaan Anda. Anda dapat mengatur preferensi peramban Anda untuk menolak cookie, tetapi ini dapat memengaruhi fungsionalitas website.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Tautan Eksternal

Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:

Website kami mungkin berisi tautan ke situs web eksternal. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas praktik privasi situs web tersebut. Harap baca kebijakan privasi mereka sebelum memberikan informasi pribadi.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Perubahan Kebijakan

Building websites from wireframes that I had received. Some of those questions were:

Kebijakan Privasi ini dapat diperbarui sesuai kebutuhan. Perubahan akan diumumkan di halaman ini dan perubahan signifikan akan diberitahukan melalui email jika Anda berlangganan newsletter kami.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

Kontak Kami

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau kekhawatiran mengenai Kebijakan Privasi ini, silakan hubungi kami melalui

Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda dan kepercayaan Anda kepada Platinum.

Now that I am a UX designer, I notice that some designers tend to forget that wireframes are equally creative and technical. We are responsible for designing great ideas, but we are also responsible for creating product specifications. I admit that there can be so many details to remember that it’s easy to lose track. To save time and energy for myself, I gathered all of my years of wireframing knowledge into a single checklist that I refer to throughout the process. And now I am sharing this knowledge with you, so that you can get back to being creative.

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