Honest Family Business

Real Estate Agency with a Personal Touch

Quick response

We have hundreds of listings waiting for you!

Showing every day

See your new home tomorrow

Be a part of family

We are a family business and we treat our customers as such.

Vermont- Shelburne, Burlington, South Burlington, Winooski, Williston, Essex Junction

Looking for a home? Contact us!

Every client deserves the best advice

Our business motto is: the client is always right and we do everything so that our customers feel as such. We consider Home in Vermont as a family and we integrate new team members with warmth and efficiency. It matters to us that our clients feel part of the team.

  • Family values
  • Trust as business base
  • Rooted in community
A real estate agency that will take you there

Start your journey to the dream house now!

We believe that every client deserves the best advice and that is why we engage on a continuous basis to implement new tools and services, offered on demand and at the lowest cost.

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3 Reasons To Remember Us When Looking for Real Estate


Our commitment to providing excellent service at all times is what kept us in business all these years. Valuable experience of our brokers will let us keep to our promises.


We will listen to what you have to say and go beyond just showing houses. We negotiate with sellers to get their consent on price and terms in order to meet your current budget.


Trust we have gained over the years lets us present the best offers from small communities.

You can rest

We will take care of all your needs so you can relax and sleep well. We will contact you regularly with updates.

Sybil Smith

Your Agent

15 years of experience as realtor lets Sybil be a best partner in that quest.

How to Find Your House

6 Steps to Make Your Dream Come True

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Research your future

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Design the floor plan to reflect your family and lifestyle

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Make a list of what you like and do not like

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Analyze the needs and budgets

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Register in our real estate agency

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We find the ideal property for you to buy

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Danny Bailey

Local artist

Home in Vermont is a fantastic real estate agency. The team is very professional and the service is great. I am making my purchase thanks to them, they gave me excellent advice and quality service.

Tell us more about the home you are looking for

What type of house would you like to live in? How has your real estate experience been? What is the most important thing in a house? What is your favorite room in your house? Why do you want to move? What is your biggest fear?

Write to us Call us at (223) 2445-5467

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